Case Study:Kitchen Stuff Plus
Founded in 1987, Kitchen Stuff Plus is a leading Canadian retailer in housewares and home decor.
Team Access:Teamwork makes the dream work
Divide and conquer by designating your team members to your registered buildings and thermostats.
Mobile App:Control everywhere from anywhere
Gives you access and control over each and every thermostat, no matter where you are.
Reliable Data:A closer look at your energy usage
Data access at your fingertips so you take actions and adjust your settings.
Customer Story :
"The ecobee customer service team was a pleasure to work with — incredibly responsive and helpful.”
— John Thompson, IT Director, Kitchen Stuff Plus

Challenge:Fix a costly outlier
One of their stores had a higher heating and cooling bill than the others, making it the perfect location to pilot a thermostat management solution.

Approach:All the data, all in one place
Kitchen Stuff Plus chose ecobee SmartBuildings over competitors for its diagnostics and reporting tools. The central management capabilities also seemed promising for potentially misbehaving HVAC units.
Installation was simple and fast with a basic four-wire install. “The documentation that came with the units was thorough and easy to follow, so our team had the ecobees up and running very quickly,” said John Thompson, IT Director at Kitchen Stuff Plus.
Results:Diagnostics like HVAC forensics
Betting on SmartBuildings paid off. It paid for itself in 12 months, saved 19% in electricity compared to the previous year, and reduced 27.5% in gas costs. The equipment diagnostics tool also uncovered a major cost culprit: One rooftop unit was not working like the others. Its installation did not match the design blueprints, requiring more energy than it was supposed to in order to run.
In addition to fixing the problem, Kitchen Stuff Plus has realized significant bill decreases from standardizing all operating procedures. No more unnecessary costs from one-off system setting changes and on-site visits.

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