Audio Object

The Audio object contains all the audio properties of the thermostat (only applicable to ecobee4).


Name Type Read Only Required Description
playbackVolume Integer no no The volume level for audio playback. This includes volume of the voice assistant. A value between 0 and 100.
microphoneEnabled Boolean no no Turn microphone (privacy mode) on and off.
soundAlertVolume Integer no no The volume level for alerts on the thermostat. A value between 0 and 10, with 0 meaning 'off' - the zero value may not be honored by all ecobee versions.
soundTickVolume Integer no no The volume level for key presses on the thermostat. A value between 0 and 10, with 0 meaning 'off' - the zero value may not be honored by all ecobee versions.
voiceEngines VoiceEngine[] yes no The list of voice engines compatible with the selected thermostat.

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