DemandResponse Object

The demand response object contains information pertaining to a program change event for a set of thermostats. Demand response is only available to EMS and Utility accounts.


Name Type Read Only Required Description
name String no no The user defined name of the Demand Response event.
demandResponseRef String yes no A system generated ID to uniquely identify the event.
comments String no no User (event creator) comments regarding the event
message String no no The text message to send to the user (recipient of the event)
deferredDate String no no The date the demand response is deferred to.
deferredTime String no no The time the demand response has been deferred to.
showIdt Boolean no no Whether to show the event message on the thermostat. Default: true
showWeb Boolean no no Whether to show the event message on the web portal. Default: true
sendEmail Boolean no no Whether to send the event message as an email to the user. Default: true
randomizeStartTime Boolean no no Whether to randomize the start time of the event for each thermostat in order to mitigate severe electric grid load drops when the event starts. Default: false
randomStartTimeSeconds Integer no no The number of seconds between 0 and the value to randomize the start time with. Default: 1800
randomizeEndTime Boolean no no Whether to randomize the end time of the event for each thermostat in order to mitigate electric grid load spikes when the event ends and thermostats resume normal program operation. Default: false
randomEndTimeSeconds Integer no no The number of seconds between 0 and the value to randomize the end time with. Default: 1800
event Event no no The Event Object whose properties to use when creating the DR event.
thermostats String[] yes no The list of thermostats associated with this DR. Populated by the server when listing DRs.
externalRef String no no
externalRefType String no no
priority Long no no

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