Security Settings Object

A SecuritySettings object defines the security settings which a thermostat may have. Currently this object stores data specific to access control.

If any of the XXXAccess fields are not supplied they will default to false. So to set all to false where previously some were set to true the caller can either pass all the XXXAccess fields explicitly, or pass none and the default will be set for each.

The userAccessCode may be modified. However, it is important to note that for security reason calls to GET this value will return null if no value is present, or a masked value of '****' if the value has been set.

Note that this object is only available to applications which have implicit authorization such as utilities. See here for more information: Authorization Intro.


Name Type Read Only Required Description
userAccessCode String no no The 4-digit user access code for the thermostat. The code must be set when enabling access control. See the callout above for more information.
allUserAccess Boolean no no The flag for determining whether there are any restrictions on the thermostat regarding access control. Default value is false. If all other values are true this value will default to true.
programAccess Boolean no no The flag for determining whether there are any restrictions on the thermostat regarding access control to the Thermostat.Program. Default value is false, unless allUserAccess is true.
detailsAccess Boolean no no The flag for determining whether there are any restrictions on the thermostat regarding access control to the Thermostat system and settings. Default value is false, unless allUserAccess is true.
quickSaveAccess Boolean no no The flag for determining whether there are any restrictions on the thermostat regarding access control to the Thermostat quick save functionality. Default value is false, unless allUserAccess is true.
vacationAccess Boolean no no The flag for determining whether there are any restrictions on the thermostat regarding access control to the Thermostat vacation functionality. Default value is false, unless allUserAccess is true.

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