Runtime Sensor Metadata Object

The metadata description of a sensor as related to the sensor runtime data. This is a reflection of the thermostat.device[].sensor[] information.

Note that the sensor metadata reflects the sensor configuration, type, usage, etc. at the time of the first reading taken as specified by the runtime report start date and interval. This information may not match the sensor information currently in the thermostat if it had changed after the start of the report period. Likewise, a change to the sensor configuration during the report period may result in values which do not match the expected values of the sensor configuration at the beginning of the report.

Sensor Types

The following is a list of sensor types supported by ecobee.

Sensor Type Units Description
co2 ppm Carbon Dioxide Sensor
ctclamp Wh Current Transducer
dryContact binary: 1 or 0 Contact Sensor
humidity %RH Humidity Sensor
temperature F Temperature Sensor
plug Wh ecobee Plug
pulsedElectricityMeter Wh Electricity Meter

See GET Runtime Report for more information.


Name Type Read Only Required Description
sensorId String yes no The unique sensor identifier. It is composed of deviceName + deviceId + sensorId (from thermostat.device[].sensor[]) separated by colons. This value corresponds to the column name for the sensor reading values.
sensorName String yes no The user assigned sensor name.
sensorType String yes no The type of sensor. See Sensor Types. Values: co2, ctclamp, dryContact, humidity, plug, temperature
sensorUsage String yes no The usage configured for the sensor. Values: dischargeAir, indoor, monitor, outdoor

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